
Make More Money From Your Website

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Make More Money From Your Website


If this is you:

  • The founder of a D2C/E-commerce site
  • In the first few years of its life
  • With conversion rates of < 4%.

Then this work-book is for you.

It will show you, step by step, how to increase your conversion rate by 30, 40, maybe even 50% without needing an agency or a designer.

(Or your money back.)

The Contents


Headline and Sub-header - What do you do and who for?

A picture tells a thousand words - The mistake most D2C sites make (including yours) and how to fix it

What do we want the customer to do now? - How to write your CTA

Slideshows - Ten reasons not to use them that you’ll probably ignore

The rest of the page - The correct way to structure your homepage for conversions and profit

And more...

Shop page

Product Order - One small change which made a client 32% more money, with five mins work

Pricing - Psychological tips to make your pricing more effective

Steer the sale - How to connect to your customers emotionally (the way we make purchase decisions)

Research - Unexpected places to find tried and tested approaches to make sales

And more...

Product page

The important point missed by many D2C sites - (even the big ones)

Check the packaging - How packaging design can inform your site

Sell the product - A step-by-step, point-by-point explanation of every section on your product page and how to optimise it for profit

And more...


Product discounts - When to use them (or not)

Cross-sells and up-sells - The psychology of related products, bundled products, and what mistakes can cost you money.

About us - Who cares about your mission?

Sourcing help - How to find further help, and what mistakes to avoid when hiring freelancers


Templates - For each of the pages on your site

Checklists - So you know your designer (or design) is following best practices (sold for £99+ on some sites)

Money back guarantee (not happy? We'll refund you, no questions asked)

Lifetime updates (as the PDF is updated, so will you be. For free. )

Who am I, who are Northern Comfort, and why can we help you?

I’m Rob Dobson - I paid for these portrait photos so I have to use them. I've been building websites for over 20 years. I set up Northern Comfort ten years ago, and in that time we’ve worked for huge companies like Anglo American, Barclays and AstraZeneca, and built e-commerce sites with hundreds of purchases per hour.

A large part of our work now is focusing on D2C companies helping them to sell more products and make more money online.

In 2021 we increased conversion rates for our D2C clients from 53-100%. One client we worked with for a year was turning over 35x what they were are the start of that year.

This workbook shows you how we do it.

How much can my conversion rate increase?

Conservatively, 20-30%. That’s 30% more income, each month. This seems a lot, so let’s make it feel more achievable.

First, let’s make it clear what we’re talking about. If your conversion rate is currently 2%, a 25% increase will make it 2.5%. So if you were previously getting 4 out of every 200 visitors to buy, you’ll now get 5 out of every 200.

Which doesn’t sound too impossible. It’s like running a market stall where you have 200 customers visit each day and you set yourself the target of getting just one more customer to buy.

And you don’t just have one
lever to pull to make that
happen, you have many.

We’re not aiming to find one single thing which will increase your sales by 25%. Rather, it’s a combination of many different small changes which have a cumulative impact, bit like compound interest.

Let’s say there are ten steps from a customer landing on your homepage to making a purchase. That’s ten things a customer has to understand and act on in order for you to get your ‘order received’ email. These could be:

  1. Reading the homepage message and heading
  2. Understanding the homepage image
  3. Finding and clicking on the homepage call to action
  4. The product images on the shop page
  5. The product descriptions on the shop page
  6. The product detail on the product page
  7. The description on the product page
  8. The images on the product page
  9. The ‘add to cart’ button
  10. The checkout process (in itself this has many steps, and, if optimised, could improve conversion by 20%)

If we can optimise each of these steps by just 1.8%, then over the course of all ten steps in sequence your website will convert 30% higher.

Just by making each of those ten points 2% better, you’ll make 43% more money this year.

That’s not to say that big changes can’t happen. On our advice, one of our D2C clients made a small change to their website. They changed nothing else and it took them five minutes. Their income that month increased by 32%.

In Chapter two, you’ll learn what that change was and how to apply it to your site.

How will this workbook help me?

Across five main sections this workbook breaks down your website into its component parts, and then shows you how to make each bit work a little better.

I’ve limited the advice to just the points which:

  • Are the most important
  • Don’t require coding.

You won’t find advice here about how to speed up your website by combining CSS and JS; or how to recode your ‘build a box’ solution for best practice. It’s a practical, DIY guide that gives you direct examples of how to think about your site from a customer’s point of view and real-world ‘before and after’ examples of how to apply this thinking to your site.

By going through each section, you’ll know which changes to make and why you’re making them.

You’ll begin to think more like your customers, and to see things through their eyes. You’ll be empowered to brief your design and digital agencies properly.

There’s no point spending money driving customers to a site which isn’t working as well as it could. Increasing your conversion rate also increases the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

It means that your income continues to grow through time as more of these customers become repeat customers, and then lifetime customers.

And importantly, it means you make much more money.

Our Guarantee

If you work through this book and apply the information to your site, and don’t get a relative conversion rate increase of at least 20%, email me for your money back.


Whether you are looking to improve your site or just starting out, this is an invaluable resource.

Mike Stevens, Author of "The Direct to Customer Playbook"

“A wealth of advice shared in an easily accessible format. Real life examples help translate the theory into something relatable and therefore goals and objectives that are tangible and most of all ACHIEVABLE. "

Kathryn Bumby, Yorkshire Pasta

“This book is aimed at the emerging entrepreneur who is spinning a lot of plates and just wants a simple, tried and tested roadmap to increasing sales on their website. And it really does hit the spot and then some. It’s clearly written and littered with examples showing the benefits of the changes you can make to your website to convert more customers. It is well worth the investment.”

Jason Gibb, Founder of Bread and Jam

"Best Buy of 2022. We would highly recommend for any small business owner trying to take their website to the next level"

Alex, Stackable Pancakes

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